Kim Daisung is a renowned designer who worked on product design for MoMA (New York), with a diverse background in art, branding, and architectural design. He is currently a professor at Kyungil University and chairman of Signer Design Group.



DEA, University Paris 8, France                                        

MA, University Lyon II, France

BA, Scool of Art Versailles, France


Selected exhibitions: 

2024 Maison & Objec, Paris, France

2024 Moon Wish, Hyundai Department Store, Seoul, South Korea 

2023 Craft Trend Fair, Seoul, South Korea

2023 Art Faif Deagu, South Korea

2015 Mega Show, Hong Kong, China

2014 Tokyo Deesigners Week, Tokyo, Japan

2008 100% design, London, UK

2007 MACEF, Milan, Italy